Saturday, July 18, 2009

Charity Walk & Jumbo Sale

This prog divided into 3 sub-progs, which are:
charity walk inside campus, charity walk outside campus and jumbo sale. The charity walk inside campus will begin on 20th July until 9th August 2009. All the stuffs collected from the lecturers, staff and students will be sold during the Jumbo Sale. The Jumbo Sale will be held throughout the AIKOL Festival weeks. The earnings in terms of cash and valuable things will be given to Pondok Penyayang Raudhah at Batu 11 Gombak.

In addition, on 2nd August, the committees and 30 participants (15 brothers, 15 sisters) will go to the Pondok Penyayang to do some charity work such as clean up the place, sharing Islamic knowledge, cook together and so on.

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